Location: San Antonio
Website: https://torahacademysa.com
The mission of the Torah Academy of San Antonio is to provide an affordable and a cutting-edge Torah and Secular education for our students by instilling in them strong Torah values, ethics, and Middot; preparing them for futures in any field, while fostering a deep appreciation, passion, and respect for their faith and history.
At TASA, they offer multi-age classroom learning environments (kindergarten, as a transitional class from pre-K to elementary, remains a standalone classroom). While some parents worry about the demands on the teacher, and, to some extent, the students, they believe this type of classroom structure serves many benefits.
If you’re looking for the perfect school for your child, you probably have tons of questions running through your head: Do I want a public or private education? Should it be Jewish or secular? How much Jewish instruction am I comfortable with? Which is better—a smaller school or a larger one? At TASA, they believe that every Jewish child deserves a Jewish day school education. Why? Jewish day school yields lifelong benefits both tangible and intangible.