Source: Very Well Family
10 Common Myths and Misconceptions About Bullying
You might have certain well-established ideas about bullying. But some of those beliefs might not be true. Here is a list of the 10 most common myths and misconceptions about bullying.
Myth #1: All Bullies Are Loners and Have No Friends
There are actually many different types of bullies. So it’s a mistake to assume that all bullies are the same. Some kids bully others because they too have been bullied, while others bully to climb the social ladder. Still, other kids bully people simply because they can.
Frequently, bullying is motivated by a desire for social power. In other words, the bully is a social climber and wants to increase his or her status at school. Bullying is viewed as effective because it controls and manipulates the social order at school.
Myth #2: Bullies Struggle With Self Esteem
Research shows that not all bullies pick on others because they feel bad about themselves. Instead, some of the most aggressive kids are also confident and socially successful. They have realized that bullying helps them gain more attention, have a wider social circle and maintain power at school.
In fact, the rewards kids get from gossiping, spreading rumors, and ostracizing others can be significant. For this reason, it is extremely difficult to get bullies to stop, especially in middle school.
Myth #3: Being Bullied Makes You Stronger and Helps Build Character
Bullying in no way builds character. On the contrary, it tears down character and increases the target’s vulnerabilities. Kids who are bullied suffer emotionally and socially.
Being bullied can cause kids to feel lonely and isolated. And they may struggle with self-esteem and experience depression and moodiness. Bullying also leads to struggles in school and more illnesses. They may even contemplate suicide.
Very Well Family. “10 Common Myths and Misconceptions About Bullying.” Gordon, Sherri, 01 March 2020. <https://www.verywellfamily.com/common-myths-and-misconceptions-about-bullying-460490>.